Into The Pit Playlist 9-15-24

Today we had two more Hometown Headbangers! Our first group out of Norfolk, Virginia is called Ursus Maximus – Cocaine Bear themed death metal. You can check their music out on Bandcamp here. The second group was Gutted Christ from Virginia Beach! They’ve got two albums up on Bandcamp and are working on new music…

Into The Pit Playlist 9-8-24

Currently seeking METAL SONGS ABOUT METAL for an upcoming themed show. Send them to me at or use our Into the Pit comment box! Currently seeking METAL SONGS ABOUT METAL for an upcoming themed show. Send them to me at or use our Into the Pit comment box! So excited to feature multiple…

Into The Pit Playlist 9-1-24

Currently seeking METAL SONGS ABOUT METAL for an upcoming themed show. Send them to me at or use our Into the Pit comment box! NEW BAND out of Baltimore Maryland! Power-thrash heavy metal group called Siegebreaker just released their first single, “Ghost of War.” Check them out on bandcamp for any upcoming announcements, shows,…

Into The Pit Playlist 8/25/24

Currently seeking METAL SONGS ABOUT METAL for an upcoming themed show. Send them to me at or use our Into the Pit comment box! Today’s Hometown Headbangers were SiNN out of Newport News, Virginia. They’re celebrating 10 years of their album Amongst Tempest Clouds, and just released a new track called “The Void.” They’ve got…

Into The Pit Playlist 8/18/24

Today’s Hometown Headbangers are SKALDR from Richmond, Virginia! They’ve got a second album on the way, details to be announced. Follow them on bandcamp for updates! Searching for more groups to be featured on the show. If you’re in a local/regional band or you know someone who is, have them send music to for…

Into The Pit Playlist 8/4/24

As this week’s show airs, I’ll be in Ireland! So hopefully everything went according to plan.   We’ve apparently got new music from Opeth on the way, and Altavistia also recently released an EP.   This week our Hometown Headbangers were US Black Metal band Lichen out of Norfolk, Virginia. They’ve got limited edition vinyl…

Into The Pit Playlist 8/11/24

Just got back from Ireland! Today’s playlist had a bit more variety added in – Skinny Puppy, Primus, Limp Bizkit. We’re having fun! I think it’s time to start planning the first themed show… My heart is set on metal songs about metal. Make suggestions using the comment box on the show page. Our Hometown…

Into The Pit Playlist 7/28/24

Hell yeah! Another week in the books, with a bunch of actively touring groups. Lamb of God and Mastodon are currently on tour, and Amorphis will be in Richmond at Canal Club on September 3. I’d consider Lamb of God a local band, as they’re from Richmond… And so is Enforced!   The New Mutiny…

Into The Pit Playlist 7/21/2024

We’re back in business baby! After 6 years, Into the Pit hit the airwaves once more – this time on 96x. Lots of requests this week, let’s keep the participation up! You can now make requests with the handy little comment box on the Into the Pit page.   This week we featured music from…

Into the Pit 7 Playlist

Overkill – Wrecking Crew Behemoth – Chant for Eschaton Make the Suffer – Widower Morbid Angel – Caesar’s Palace Megadeth – Wake Up Dead Sevendust – My Ruin Bad Wolves – Better the Devil Fear Factory – Industrial Discipline Skinless – Line of Dissent Knives Out! – Robot Babylon Cradle of Filth – No Time…